Terms & Conditions

Effective from: March 8, 2021


The purpose of this website, AfroAnimation (the “Site”) is owned and operate by Snack, Inc. a social video platform with audio commenting patent pending technology, to provide a virtual animation conference. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using or any services provided on the site. By using or accessing the Services, you agree to become bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
AfroAnimation reserves the right, at its discretion, to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time by posting revised Terms and Conditions on the site and providing notice via email.


1. Most of the Summit programming is free, but exclusive events, networking and workshops require  a VIP Pass that requires a payment. Terms and conditions govern the registration of Free Pass,  Student Pass and purchase of the VIP Pass in relation to the AfroAnimation Virtual Summit  (the “Summit”):
2. Each Pass is made available by Snack, Inc. (United States), a company incorporated in the State of Florida, United States



3. You may request any of the Pass by completing the online form and submitting it. VIP Pass requires credit and debit payment information and details. Free and Student Pass do not require payments.
4. All requests for a Pass are subject to availability. If (i) you have completed your form request correctly in accordance with these terms and conditions; (ii) there is availability; and (iii) you have either: 
Only-VIP pass must make the requisite pre-payment; or
5. provided us with credit/debit card details and authorization to deduct payment; or then a confirmation email will be sent to you within 1.5 working day from receipt of your registration.
No one under the age of 13 should submit information or data to the Site or platforms.


6. Prices for VIP Pass are set out on www.afroanimation.com (the “Website”). Payment must be made in US dollars (or such other currency provided that you make the proper US dollar to local currency conversion rate to arrive at the US dollar amount for the VIP Pass) by either (i) credit or debit card. Prices may change based on Early-Bryd and Late-Bryd basis. That information will be reflected on www.afroanimation.com.
All prices are:
7. exclusive of sales taxes (including, but not limited to VAT); and
8. subject to local taxes (where appropriate) which cannot be deducted from any ticket prices due.
9. An electronic invoice will be sent at the time you receive your confirmation email.


10.  When you purchase a VIP Pass online you will be given a unique username and/or password giving you access to your account (your “Account”). You must keep your username and password confidential at all times as you are responsible for all activities undertaken through your Account.

We shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with these requirements.


11. General: AfroAnimation agrees that it will take appropriate technical and organisational measures against the accidental, unlawful or unauthorised processing, destruction, loss, damage or disclosure of personal data received or used in fulfilling its obligations under these terms and conditions. In these terms and conditions personal data is as defined by all laws and regulations (as updated, amended or replaced from time to time) applicable to such data.
Communications: We will use email addresses provided to us to send attendees important Summit information, including but not limited to, speaker announcements, programme updates and invitations to special Summit events, that we believe will enhance their Summit experience and not be intrusive or spammy. All delegates will have the option to opt out of communications.
Summit delegate listing: To further enable networking among certain at the Summit, we will share your name, job title, company name and country or city where you are based (the “Attendee Information”) with other VIP Pass holders, third parties via our secure networking service in the official AfroAnimation Virtual Summit website or our Parent Company’s mobile app.
Access: All registered attendees who have opted into VIP Passes will appear on the VIP listing once the service has gone live, which enables other VIP-only registered attendees to contact you prior to and during the Summit. 
You are in control: Attendee’s email address numbers will not be made public through the attendee listing or otherwise.
Reservation of rights: AfroAnimation Virtual Summit reserves the right to deny access and remove any attendee from the attendee listing for inappropriate use. You agree to use the attendee listing respectfully and solely to network, exchange ideas and contact details where appropriate.


12. We reserve the right to (a) alter the advertised format, date, timing, content and/or location of the Summit. We change the format, date, timing, content of the Summit your Pass for the Summit will be valid for the Summitas altered.
13. Cancellations of paid Pass are not eligible for a refund or for credit against the current or future Festivals.


14.    Creator shall own all Creator Content contributed to the Site and Webinar Platform, but hereby grants and agrees to grant AfroAnimation and Snack, Inc. a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, transferable right and license to use, copy, cache, publish, display, distribute, create derivate works and store such Creator Content in order to conduct the Summit. Creators warrants, represents and agrees Creator has the right to AfroAnimation and Snack, Inc. and the site and webinar the rights set forth above. Creators represents, warrants and agrees Creator has the right to grant AfroAnimaiton and parent company Snack, Inc.the rights set forth above. Creator represents, warrants and agrees that it will not contribute any Creator Content that (a) infringes, violates or otherwise interferes with any copyright, intellectual property, publicity rights of others, trademark or violates rights of any third-party.


15. All rights in all presentations, documentation and materials published or otherwise made available as part of the Summit’s Webinar (including but not limited to any audio or audio-visual recording of the Summit) (“Content”) is owned by us or is included with the permission of the owner of the rights. No: (i) photography, filming or recording; or (ii) republication, broadcast or other dissemination of the Content is permitted without our prior written consent. You shall not distribute, reproduce, modify, store, transfer or in any other way use any of the Content (save that use by the relevant delegate for internal business purposes shall be permitted) without our prior written consent, and in particular (but without limitation) you shall not (and shall procure that each of your delegates shall not) without our prior written consent:
  • upload any Content into any shared system;
  • include any Content in a database;
  • include any Content in a website, app or on any webinar, unless authorized Sponsor;vv
  • transmit, re-circulate or otherwise make available any Content to anyone else, unless authorized sponsor;
  • use Content in any way that might infringe third party rights or that may bring us or any of our affiliates into disrepute.use Content in any way that might infringe third party rights or that may bring us or any of our affiliates into disrepute.
16. The Content does not necessarily reflect our views or opinions.
17. You should verify the accuracy of any information (whether supplied by us or third parties) before relying on it. The Content is provided on an “as is” basis without any warranties of any kind (express or implied).
18. To the extent that any Content is made available by us online or digitally we reserve the right to suspend or remove access to such Content.
19. The Site and Webinar is protected by copyrights as a collective work and/or compilation, pursuant to the United States copyrights laws and others.
20. Other than as expressly set forth in this Agreement, attendees and others may not copy, modify, publish, upload
21. The Site is protected by copyright as a collective work and/or compilation, pursuant to United States copyright laws and international conventions.


22. These terms and conditions shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the United States and shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of, under, or in connection with these terms and conditions.
23. The terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any previous agreement in relation to such subject matter.
24. You acknowledge that in receiving a Free Pass, Student Pass or purchasing a VIP Pass you have not relied on, and shall have no remedy in respect of, any statement, representation, warranty, understanding, promise or assurance.
25. These terms and conditions shall not create, nor shall they be construed as creating, any partnership relationship between us.
26. You accept that communication with us may be electronic. We may contact you by e-mail or provide you with information by posting notices on our Website. You agree to this electronic means of communication and you acknowledge that all such communications that we provide to you electronically comply with any legal or contractual requirement that such communication be made in writing.
27. AfroAnimation may update these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. We will post any changes on the Website. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure they review these terms and conditions regularly to familiarise themselves with any changes. Continued use of a Pass shall constitute acceptance of the new terms and conditions.
28. If there is a dispute between the user and AfroAnimation concerning these terms and conditions, the parties will use all reasonable endeavours to act reasonably and settle the matter as appropriate. 
29. If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid the invalidity of that provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of it, which shall remain valid and enforceable.
30. Nothing in these terms and conditions restricts the user’s statutory rights as a consumer (where applicable).


31. Please note that we may film or take photographs of the Virtual Summit. When we are filming, attendees may not be aware. By entering the Summit webinar platform, you are deemed to consent to being filmed or photographed. You grant us a licence (which means permission) to use, edit, reproduce, record, modify, enhance, encode, translate, distribute, play, perform, make available to other users, prepare derivative works of and to display your image and/or your contribution to the film or your photograph (your “Contribution”) (with or without advertising and sponsorship) by any media or methods whether now known or later developed. This licence may be exercised in our sole discretion throughout the world at any time.
32. You agree that this licence is: perpetual (which means it lasts forever); royalty-free (which means we won't pay for the permission either now or in the future); and transferable (which means we can transfer the licence to others). You agree that we can sub-license this licence (which means we can grant an equivalent permission to others which may include without limitation our group companies and advertisers or sponsors). This waiver is made in favour of us but shall also extend to our sub-licensees, assignees and successors in title.


33. Competition film screening are included in some VIP Pass and can be accessed with your VIP Pass credentials. Access to video pre-screening will not be possible without a VIP Pass.
34. You must be aged 18 or over to access the applicable Festival parties. Cannes Lions reserves the right to check a delegate’s form of identification (e.g. driving licence or passport) upon arrival at the Festival parties and to deny access to anybody who is under 18.
Snack’s Designated Agent for notices of claimed infringement can be contacted at:
Via E-mail: team@afroanimation.com
Via Mail: Snack, Inc., 10 SW South River Drive, Unit 9, Miami, Florida 33130 
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